Dec 19, 2005 21:38

hello my lovelies. I have been a busy little bee.

been to the football, been to see castles and went to FRANCE today!!

so here are some long awaited pictures (under a cut of course, cos there are A LOT of them). most of them are very badly taken ones, but they are better than nothing, no?

here we go.

My beautiful girlies. we went shopping in Mainz instead of going to maths and physics one day. heh heh.

you have already seen pictures of our christmas tree and us chopping it down and so on and so forth, but here is one of Matthias tying it to the roof of the car. tricky business that.

My very very messy room. not all the junk is mine though... Dagmar (mum) uses it as her study most of the year, so all her books and junk are still there cos she really didnt have anywhere else to put them. meh, i dont mind, she'd a primary school teacher, so there are lots of pretty german picture books and coloured paper and textas for me to use in my currently crappy and messed up scrapbook. yaaay. and these germans do love xmas decorating, that's for sure.

more mess. my suitcase and clothes everwhere. ooooh, and lookie! my very own advent calendar. which had chocies in it. heh heh.

I dont make my bed at home, what makes you think I would make it here? lol. I had just gotten up, okay?

The loungeroom/conservatory place. conservatory looks so nice at night the day we had snow. beeeeyoutiful. we're going to put the xmas tree in there in a few days.

Alissa and I made xmas bickies. heh. much fun. here she is washing up. I helped! really I did! I just took the picture before I got my hands all soapy!

We made a little bit of a mess decorating the biscuits. heh. fun fun fun. we actually ate more of the stuff than we actually put on top of the bickies.

nicer ones. not sure what they taste like though. packet mix. *bows*

this is the place where we had the ball. crap photo I know. This is about half of it. didnt get most of the back of the room in, and there was a bar and a disco thing outside in the foyer thing. certainly dwarfs castle hill rsl methinks.

Max (right) and Sebi (left) at the ball. drinking. bad picture of both of them, but I find it rather amusing. lol.

Alissa and Max both looking gorgeous.

Part of the old town in Mainz. terribly interesting i know. :P I just happen to like old buildings okay? and germany has rather a lot of them.

boring picture of old street. down this street is the awesome shop that sells docs. and also where I bought my cool hat.

here is my spiffy hat. not a good picture I'm afraid, but it was the best out of the lot of them:

awesome, awesome hat.

pretty picture of the Rhein river near Rüdesheim. basically IN Rüdesheim actually. Alissa and Max to the left, some random other people. oh and some boats. yay.

river again. looked so so beautiful in real life. once again, the picture just does not do it justice. that, and i am a crap photographer and it always goes blurry cos i keep moving the camera.

same place. sunset. wow.

Guess what we saw in the markets in Rüdesheim!? a frigging didgeredoo. what the heck is it doing in germany?! I had to take a picture of it.

Rüdesheim. lovely lovely markets. very christmassy. but very cold I must say. more old buildings.

and speaking of boring old buildings, here is school:

well, the main building part anyway. no oval, no basketball courts, no canteen, no hall. but pretty nice classrooms. have to say I prefer penno. more space. that, and people speak effing english.

out the kitchen window the day it snowed. not very much snow, but it was quite a novelty for silly aussie tourists who have never seen it before. and it's SOFT!

Mainz christmas markets. oh, and when you buy drinks and stuff, you get them in these awesome propper china cups that say 'mainzer weinachsmark'. and you get to keep the cups. ehehehe. yay.

Lucy and the best drink ever. Apfelschorle. aka, fizzy apple juice. adicted I am. ahaha. we spilt heaps of it on the floor the other day cos it fizzed up and overflowed. so we mopped it up with a seat cushion thing and pretended we didn't do it. haha.

dont remember whether I posted this already, but this is the pretty little garden thing at the Mainz cathederal.
much nicer on sunny days.

we went to visit castles on Sunday. much much run. drove along the Rhein past all these lovely castles. stopped at this one. called Marksburg, and in 700 years, has never been destroyed, so it's all genuine castle, not one that was built up from ruins and restorred. I love castles. so so pretty. long walk up though.

The view from the top of the 'marksburg hill' thing. we went up more stairs to the castle, but this is basically the end of the 'driveway'...except no cars can go up, so we had to walk. ick. view was worth it though.

from the top of the castle. that's the Rhein river down there, and the town of Marksburg...named after the castle incase you didn't guess.

went to another castle after Markburg. also on the Rhein, but it's just ruins now. lots and lots of lovely ruins to explore though.

more ruins. i wish i could have seen what this castle had looked like back when it was still standing. was huge as ruins, must have been MASSIVE when it still had most of it's walls and towers still there.

one of the towers that's left. nice view too.

great thing about castle ruins. lots of secret tunnels and passages. awesomely awesome. very dark though. Me and Max ventured inside, but Alissa didn't want to. dont blame her. was picth dark, and it was a dead end anyway. so we turned around and went back. scary, but fun.

what you see from the top of the outer wall of the ruins.

taken from the same place, but now you get the purty flags. I like this picture, even though you cant really see much cos if the sun. the clouds were so so pretty.

a cannon. old broken thing that only ever was shot once, as a salute, because Marksburg (where it is) was never actually attacked)

the german corner. The spot where the Rhein and the Mosel rivers join. veeeery cold, cos there's heaps of wind.

Max and Alissa standing at the 'corner', trying not to freeze. and yes, in case you havnt noticed, I am seeing a lot of Max. he basically lives here half the time. not complaining, he's lovely, and his english is VERY good.

some random old church. I forget where. I just liked it for some reason.

some big statue of Kaiser Wilhelm the somethingth. biiiiiiiiiiig.

again, quite impressive really, but the damn sun was behind it, so it was hard to get a good picture where you could see anything.

Alissa and I went to the soccer on Saturday. this was before the stadium really filled up, cos we were there really early. holds 20 000 people or something. oh. and fuuuuuny story. when the guy came on the field before the game and was like "welcome football fans, blah blah. blah".... he also said something along the lines of: "and a big warm, Mainzer welcome to our Australian guests Lucy Gilchrist and Lauren Moore, who are exchange students from Australia". in front of 20 000 people. sdkgjhdfksjhdh. apparently Matthias had emailed the guy and asked especially for Lucy and I to be greeted. nearly shat myself. lol. was quite cool though.

Alissa at ze football. was rather cold. actually snowed while the game was on, but it didn't really stay on the ground. apparently -1 is actually too cold for snow to stay around for long. bleeeh. great game though. lots of singing and cheering and clapping. fun fun fun! Mainz ended up drawing, 1 all, which was a shame, but great game none the less... which is very weird considering I'm not really a soccer fan.

a phantom balloon. there are many balloons painted on walls and things all over Mainz. so random. not sure why. just graffiti methinks, but it is funny. lol. so i took a picture of it.

and another one. there's a green one near school, which I am yet to get a picture of. will post it when I do.

we all went out for lunch cos it was Larissa's birthday. whole bunch of exchange girls here, along with Larissa's exchange partner and her friends.

eh. i think that is enough pictures. still have some of Strasbourg, which is FRANCE, but I'll post them in another entry methinks. appologies to dial up users.

so yes. hope that made everyone happy. hopefully it means you'll lay off pestering me for photos for a while. :P
and will be shooting myself if lj eats this.

just so you know.
love and miss everyone.

castles., pictures, pics, photos, germany

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